Ag Health and Safety Alliance
Peer Reviewed Publications
We are pleased to continue publishing findings from our outreach evaluation and materials development, as it supports our expertise and contribution to this field. Our goal is to become the go-to source of scientific expertise when it comes to performing and evaluating outreach strategies and materials for young adults in agriculture. This also ensures long-term sustainability of our mission.
If you would like to work with us on a study or article, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
2023 Academic Articles Published
Self-reported respiratory health symptoms and respiratory protection behaviors of young adult hog producers in the United States
The self-reported use of filtering facepiece respirators (N95s) in this study is much higher than reported by older farmers in previous years. Most young adult hog projects (76.2%) stated they were already wearing them– even before participating in our program! There are still challenges. For example, young adult men were more likely to wear respiratory protection than women in the study. Only 5% have ever been fit tested for the correctly sized respirator. .
Perspective: Emphasizing Safe Engineering Design Features of Quad Bikes in Agricultural Safety Programs
Perspectives shared at an ATV Safety Symposium and a review of agricultural ATV safety in the U.S. have highlighted the need for building agricultural community awareness of quad bike engineering controls such as CPDs, wider and more stable frame designs, and 126 Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health others.
2022 Academic Articles Published
Self-reported Quad Bike Use, Safety Behaviors, and Safety Awareness among Young Adults in U.S. and Canadian Agriculture
We surveyed more than 700 young adults working in U.S. and Canadian agriculture to examine quad bike safety behaviors and awareness of quad bike safety design. We found that participants in our programs who began using quad bikes at young ages (<14 years old) were much more likely to report engaging in unsafe behaviors. We also found that less than 20% of young adults using quad bikes in agriculture were aware of safety design features.
Some differences but all at risk: Improving farm safety for young people—An Australian experience
With our Australian partners, we describe the development and adaptation of the Gear Up for Ag™ program for an Australian audience. We also report on common farm tasks performed by young people working in Australia, which seem to be centered around the operation and maintenance of several types of motor vehicles and farm equipment.
Infographics Enhance Agricultural Health and Safety Programs for Young Adults
This article summarizes infographics formats commonly used in our agricultural safety and health training programs and provides some tips on proper and engaging use of infographics for outreach purposes. We also found that over 70% of participants remembered a key takeaway related to something presented using infographics.
Commentary: Highlighting the need for pesticides safety training in Nigeria: A survey of farm households in Rivers State
This commentary-style article describes current activities being done in Nigeria by Norina Farms to interview agricultural workers in Rivers State to inform development of more community-based, grassroots-style pesticides safety educational programs in the region. We call for the pursuit of more community-based, grassroots style pesticides safety training programs in this region of the world.
2021 Academic Articles Published
JA:2021-32. ATV/Quad Safety Findings from Evaluation of the Gear up for Ag™ Program (2018-19)
This article examines some of our pre-survey responses shared at the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health Conference in 2020.We found that most participants in our programs were using ATVs (quad bikes) on the farm and over half (56%) had rolled the vehicle.
Evaluation of Self-Reported Agricultural Tasks, Safety Concerns, and Health and Safety Behaviors of Young Adults in U.S. Collegiate Agricultural Programs
Our evaluation survey responses were used to learn more about reported agricultural tasks and safety concerns of young adults working in agriculture. We found that future trainings should be uniquely tailored, since we identified several differences in gender and education type.
2020 Academic Articles Published
OSHA Voluntary Respirator Use: Challenges incurred with use of N95 filtering facepiece respirators during the COVID-19 pandemic
We discuss several lessons learned in dealing with the interpretation of the OSHA Voluntary Use provision of the Respiratory Health Standard during the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. and identified gaps in knowledge to help prepare for similar events in the future involving PPE shortage.